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CIRCE Holy Hyssop Fixed Candle - Candles

CIRCE Holy Hyssop Fixed Candle - Candles

Regular price $24.00 USD
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Hyssop is referenced as being a spiritual cleanser, noted for its abilities to purify spirits and protect them from harm. It is often used as a Spiritual Purifying Agent to cleanse spiritual or purification spaces, but it can be used to protect homes/people from jinxes, hexes, and evil energies.

Instructions: Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer of your choice. You can put the candle out at anytime or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle. After the candle has fully burned down you can throw away the glass. 

This candle is approximately 8” tall and weights 1 LB 4 OZ

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